We are in the season of abundance – just look at any of the many farmer’s markets around town with all the great seasonal foods. The flowers are blooming all around, sunshine days between June & July gloomy foggy days makes us appreciate the sunshine all the more. Yes it’s a blessed season. Did you read the article last month about Granny’s Berry Bucket? Yep another reminder of this abundant season – Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story Bill Sharrett. Later I’ll tell you a story about my Grandma Bell who was missing picking blackberries.
Meanwhile what am I getting at about appreciation? Well I’m talking about more than appreciating the weather and awards and those special days like Grandparents day, Mother’s/Father’s Days and the ever present kids day (birthday). I’m talking about the simplicity of appreciating one another and how we share that. Let me share the scripture from 1st Thessalonians 5 (Message)
Meanwhile what am I getting at about appreciation? Well I’m talking about more than appreciating the weather and awards and those special days like Grandparents day, Mother’s/Father’s Days and the ever present kids day (birthday). I’m talking about the simplicity of appreciating one another and how we share that. Let me share the scripture from 1st Thessalonians 5 (Message)
11 So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it. 12 And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. 13 Overwhelm them with appreciation and love! 14 Our counsel is that you warn the freeloaders to get a move on. Gently encourage the stragglers, and reach out for the exhausted, pulling them to their feet. Be patient with each person, attentive to individual needs. 15 And be careful that when you get on each other's nerves you don't snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out. 16 Be cheerful no matter what; 17 pray all the time; 18 thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live. 19 Don't suppress the Spirit, 20 and don't stifle those who have a word from the Master. 21 On the other hand, don't be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what's good. 22 Throw out anything tainted with evil. 23 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul, and body - and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. 24 The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he'll do it! 25 Friends, keep up your prayers for us. 26 Greet all the Christians there with a holy embrace. 27 And make sure this letter gets read to all the brothers and sisters. Don't leave anyone out. 28 The amazing grace of Jesus Christ be with you!

Several words pop out from this in regards to abundant appreciation: Encouraging, Build up, Honor, Overwhelm with appreciation & Love, Reach Out, Patient, Attentive, Best, Cheerful, Pray and Belong.
What a great set of words to share! Like a basket full of goodness! The cool thing is that just by focusing on these words we are without trying focusing our appreciation on those around us. These words not only give us action but teach us the good to look to and without a lot of work do for others just what they may need. It’s as easy as talking to God – pray for those around you to let God know your appreciation and in turn you and their lives will be blessed. Pray for and lift up those who are doing the work you are not able or that have different gifts than your own. Every prayer, every smile, hug and simple nod of thanks makes a difference.
As we come into the fullness of the season how about we look for all these good things to share with each other and with anyone we come across in our daily lives. Let’s show our appreciation. Recently we had an Appreciation Sunday and shared what appreciation is and what a difference it can make in who we appreciate, who we share our appreciation with but also in ourselves. We are better for appreciating also. Appreciating others lightens you. For when we appreciate others we are blessed in turn.
Oh before I forget. What happened to Grandma Bell? She was gone picking for so long the boys went looking for her and found bear tracks on top of foot prints in her favorite big high berry patch. Needless to say they were scared as they walked along the spiral and in and out path of this really large patch of blackberries of what they may find. Well they found her with a bucket full of berries none the wiser that there was a bear following her picking and eating his own bucket’s worth of berries – Grandma was safe and sound and no further sign of the bear that no one ever did see. Grandma Bell’s blackberry cobbler was awesome so it’s no surprise the bear’s only interest was in berries!
So what do you appreciate?
Lynda Bell
What a great set of words to share! Like a basket full of goodness! The cool thing is that just by focusing on these words we are without trying focusing our appreciation on those around us. These words not only give us action but teach us the good to look to and without a lot of work do for others just what they may need. It’s as easy as talking to God – pray for those around you to let God know your appreciation and in turn you and their lives will be blessed. Pray for and lift up those who are doing the work you are not able or that have different gifts than your own. Every prayer, every smile, hug and simple nod of thanks makes a difference.
As we come into the fullness of the season how about we look for all these good things to share with each other and with anyone we come across in our daily lives. Let’s show our appreciation. Recently we had an Appreciation Sunday and shared what appreciation is and what a difference it can make in who we appreciate, who we share our appreciation with but also in ourselves. We are better for appreciating also. Appreciating others lightens you. For when we appreciate others we are blessed in turn.
Oh before I forget. What happened to Grandma Bell? She was gone picking for so long the boys went looking for her and found bear tracks on top of foot prints in her favorite big high berry patch. Needless to say they were scared as they walked along the spiral and in and out path of this really large patch of blackberries of what they may find. Well they found her with a bucket full of berries none the wiser that there was a bear following her picking and eating his own bucket’s worth of berries – Grandma was safe and sound and no further sign of the bear that no one ever did see. Grandma Bell’s blackberry cobbler was awesome so it’s no surprise the bear’s only interest was in berries!
So what do you appreciate?
Lynda Bell