Well if y’all didn’t come to worship at First Christian Church in Santa Barbara, on Sunday June 22nd, 2014 then you missed a wonderful, fun, music filled, joyful worship service. We had the joy and privilege of having Rick Hall preach for us (He’s not a reverend after all only has played one on TV) and Laura Hall (who happens to be Rick’s lovely wife) and Kelly McLeod sing and play wonderful country songs and hymns.
Together they are The Sweet Potatoes.
Now we sure enjoyed the message Rick brought us. A great story about a couple of very different Baptist churches in the 1960’s sharing the local preacher for a time – Rick told the story from the preacher’s point of view and what he went through first being introduced to a different style of worship, then he and his wife Clara (the pianist who learned to add notes to the songs) growing to love this group of worshippers. Then, he told of how through time and with the help of a baptism, the local firefighters and music these two very different congregations found God and each other in a new experience.
We had a couple of age old hymns done country style and were joined in more music and communion and fellowship with Laura and Kelly and Rick (The Sweet Potatoes) singing and playing with their great harmony. Special music was a beautiful song called Where I Belong written and performed by Kelly MacLeod and Laura Hall. We added to the country theme with music on screen the old hymn He Leadeth Me done in video with the words for everyone to follow along. Afterward everyone went down to the fellowship hall to help Patsy Favalora celebrate her (88th?) birthday with a nice spread done by her kids – Jana, Jamie and Jed!
Now I’m sorry if you weren’t able to be here but there’s good news – there are more lovely services that we plan –you just know what you have to do to enjoy them? Come to church! We also post on Facebook so check us out – you can always find out what’s going and who’s preaching on our website’s calendar on our outreach and activities page. We’re here and we’d love to have you join us in great – full worship! Good music (our piano’s done being refurbished and sounds bigger, fuller, Nice!) good messages, praise, and communion every Sunday that EVERYONE is welcome to.
Peace, Lynda Bell
If you want to know more about Kelly, Laura and Rick check out www.thesweetpotatoes.com
Together they are The Sweet Potatoes.
Now we sure enjoyed the message Rick brought us. A great story about a couple of very different Baptist churches in the 1960’s sharing the local preacher for a time – Rick told the story from the preacher’s point of view and what he went through first being introduced to a different style of worship, then he and his wife Clara (the pianist who learned to add notes to the songs) growing to love this group of worshippers. Then, he told of how through time and with the help of a baptism, the local firefighters and music these two very different congregations found God and each other in a new experience.
We had a couple of age old hymns done country style and were joined in more music and communion and fellowship with Laura and Kelly and Rick (The Sweet Potatoes) singing and playing with their great harmony. Special music was a beautiful song called Where I Belong written and performed by Kelly MacLeod and Laura Hall. We added to the country theme with music on screen the old hymn He Leadeth Me done in video with the words for everyone to follow along. Afterward everyone went down to the fellowship hall to help Patsy Favalora celebrate her (88th?) birthday with a nice spread done by her kids – Jana, Jamie and Jed!
Now I’m sorry if you weren’t able to be here but there’s good news – there are more lovely services that we plan –you just know what you have to do to enjoy them? Come to church! We also post on Facebook so check us out – you can always find out what’s going and who’s preaching on our website’s calendar on our outreach and activities page. We’re here and we’d love to have you join us in great – full worship! Good music (our piano’s done being refurbished and sounds bigger, fuller, Nice!) good messages, praise, and communion every Sunday that EVERYONE is welcome to.
Peace, Lynda Bell
If you want to know more about Kelly, Laura and Rick check out www.thesweetpotatoes.com